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Zarządzanie, specjalność Management - stacjonarne II stopnia

Zarządzanie, specjalność Management

stacjonarneII stopnia
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Rok akademicki: 2025/2026

Wydział Zarządzania

The curriculum of our new ‘Management’ major provides opportunities to deepen the knowledge of corporate management and to develop skills and competencies of Master level graduates who want to develop and commercialize products and processes that are sustainable by design, safeguard the environment and make the best use of existing resources. In addition to mainstream subjects like corporate finance, strategic and innovation management, human capital management or digital marketing and business & sustainability, students are also taught modern quantitative methods and learn about leadership and communication in business. We emphasize ethical and legal issues, behavioral aspects, and the ability to recognize market trends. The program aims at educating students capable of identifying the threats of risks as well as the opportunities related to activities at a global level; able to maximize and monitor the development of eco-friendly products and services, so as to create sustainable value for their organization. The curriculum has been designed to fully adapt to the needs of current audiences operating in global markets. The degree is available to both domestic and foreign students.
Graduates of the programme may find employment in the public, private and non-profit sectors, especially in modern organisations concentrating on sustainability aspects. The programme is also addressed to people who want to run their own business or work in international projects.
Ostatnia modyfikacja: środa, 4 grudnia 2024 roku, 13:11