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46 doroczna konferencja stowarzyszenia EUCEN

46 doroczna konferencja stowarzyszenia EUCEN

Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Data i czas wydarzenia: 
11.06.2014 - 14:00 do 13.06.2014 - 18:00
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Badan Edukacyjnych w Warszawie, EUCEN, Uczelniana Komisja Akredytacyjna

Temat: Lifelong Learning Universities and European Policies on Social Investment

The 46th EUCEN Conference is jointly organised by EUCEN - the European University Continuing Education Network and the Warsaw School of Economics, the Educational Research Institute, the University of Gdansk and the Polish Universities for Lifelong Learning.

Conference Theme:

The conference ‘Lifelong Learning Universities and European Policies on Social Investment’ is aimed to provide a platform to discuss the role of ULLL in the context of European policy development related to social investment. The social investment approach is based, among others on the notion that developing human capital gives people the skills and capabilities to participate in society.

Universities as lifelong learning institutions can and should play a leading role in designing and implementing measures that allow people at all ages to develop their skills and capacities for their economic and social activity. Moreover, university-based research can provide an important input to the European discussion on social investment and its role in Europe today and in the future.

Strona konferencji: http://www.eucen2014.eu/call-for-papers